I Help Undervalued Employees To Become Definitely Inspired Entrepreneurs!

Hello, My Name Is Devin and I am A Definitely Inspired Entrepreneur!

The System Is Broken!

Where most of us are at!

"Americans spend 1/3 of their lives at work! But 80 percent are dissatisfied with their jobs."

"far too many of us fall into common “happiness traps”—destructive mindsets and ways of working that keep us stuck, unhappy, and ultimately less successful."

"Sixty-four percent of Americans are now expected to retire with less than $10,000 in their retirement savings accounts"

"Here's the deal. In return for less freedom, less control, and less fulfillment, every day you go to work for someone else your upside is always capped and your downside is always unlimited."

There are better ways they don't teach you in school!

"From 2013 to 2016 alone, the economy added over 2 million households....roughly 1,845 new millionaire households each day during that period"

"the only way to become really rich financially and really rich personally--in other words really, really rich--is to start your own business. Even if it's just on the side. Even if it's just a slightly stepped-up hobby."

"Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, love when others succeed. They know the pie is big enough for everyone."

“You won’t get rich without multiple flows of income,” says self-made millionaire Grant Cardone"

"Passion and purpose are typically found coexisting in all long-term, successful endeavors. With passion, we understand our foundation and what we are committed to."

Contact Me


+1 (385) 217-7090

3556 S 5600 W

Suite #1-1027

Salt Lake City, UT 84120

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